WordPress Plugin: “Disable wptexturize”
September 25, 2007 by Jason · 51 Comments
"Disable wptexturize" is the second plugin I've created for WordPress. To be honest, as far as plugins go, they don't get much simpler than this one. Aside from the header info, it consists of a grand total of three lines of code. Those three lines, though, make a world of difference to someone trying to run a site where formatting is important.
The purpose of this plugin is to stop the wptexturize filter from running on your content, the excerpt for your content (if you use it), and the comments left by your visitors. The texturizer mangles your code by converting what you actually type to what it thinks you mean. For example, the difference between "--" and "–" or straight quotes (what normal people use) and smart quotes (what Microsoft Word uses) is night and day when you're trying to run a command on a *nix system or compile a bit of code.
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WordPress Plugin: “Block Countries”
April 16, 2007 by Jason · 66 Comments
As was mentioned in my "To the jerk stealing my content" rant, I've recently developed a WordPress plugin that can be used to block certain countries from accessing a blog. After a few days of tweaking, I believe that it's finally ready for a public release. I give you... "Block Countries"!
I'm actually surprised at how quickly this plugin was completed. I started with ZERO idea as to how to build a plugin for WordPress but within a couple hours I had a bare-bones plugin that accomplished what I needed it to do. Of course, it then took most of the weekend to clean it up to the point where I would feel comfortable telling someone, "Why don't you try this out on your blog?".
To the jerk stealing my content…
April 11, 2007 by Jason · 5 Comments
You! Yeah, You! You know who you are... Cut it out!
Not only are you the biggest tool on the planet for stealing other people's content, but you don't even seem to have the decency to NOT hotlink files from my server. Bandwidth isn't free you know! If you'd only asked if you could use some of my content on your site I would have gladly said yes, provided that you gave credit where credit is due and provided a link back to the real article.
In any case, your lack of consideration has caused me to spend my lunch break today writing a plugin for WordPress that allows me to block users from certain countries. It's a little rough around the edges right now but I'm going to polish it up over the next couple days and I'll probably release it to the public so that others can block your thieving-self...