WordPress Plugin: “Disable wptexturize”
September 25, 2007 by Jason · 51 Comments
"Disable wptexturize" is the second plugin I've created for WordPress. To be honest, as far as plugins go, they don't get much simpler than this one. Aside from the header info, it consists of a grand total of three lines of code. Those three lines, though, make a world of difference to someone trying to run a site where formatting is important.
The purpose of this plugin is to stop the wptexturize filter from running on your content, the excerpt for your content (if you use it), and the comments left by your visitors. The texturizer mangles your code by converting what you actually type to what it thinks you mean. For example, the difference between "--" and "–" or straight quotes (what normal people use) and smart quotes (what Microsoft Word uses) is night and day when you're trying to run a command on a *nix system or compile a bit of code.
To be honest, I don't have any idea why disabling the texturizer isn't an option in the default code. I have to believe that there are tons of people who are annoyed by it, just as I was...
Regardless, here's the solution for you. Turn my plugin on, the texturizer goes away. Turn my plugin off, it comes back. Installation is simple, just unzip the file below into your plugins directory and then activate it from the plugins page in your blog's admin section.
I think you have the wrong link posted 🙂
Whoops... Fixed. Thanks for the heads up.
Thank you so much for writing this plugin. The WP Texturizer has always been my biggest headache with wordpress and your plugin has fixed it forever (I hope). Thanks for publishing this.
Glad you like it.
Thank you sir, you saved me from having to search through the code to disable it. Now I just need to figure out what is changing n into n.
does this work in the feed as well?
Yes, it does work on the feed.
Is this plugin still up to date? Is it working with the newest version of wordpress?
It's only three lines so there's not really anything to keep up to date. As to the versions it works with, I'm using it here and I'm running 2.3.3 right now.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you...
That damnable wptexturize filter has been the bane of my existence in the world of WordPress for years. Finally I am rid of that.
Having extensive PHP experience, it was getting so that I was willing to spend several days -if need be- to simply plow through every single line of code in all the WordPress files to see if I could locate exactly what it was that was prettifying all my single and double quotes (as well as mangling my example codes) and eradicate it with extreme prejudice. You saved me that trouble, Jason. :o) I can now begin blogging the way I want to for the first time.
I read elsewhere about those 3 lines of code but no one seemed to have a clear idea as to exactly where to use them. I read vague implications that it had something to do with myhacks.php (couldn't find this file in WordPress 2.51) and vars.php in the wp-includes folder (of course, no one said exactly where to use those lines of code in vars.php).
Well, well, just slap it in a plugin and that's it, that's all. Who'da thunk it? (obviously you did)..
Thanks again, man.
Oh and for others, it works fine in WordPress 2.51 (latest version as of this writing)
FYI, there's a already plugin created for the same purpose.
hey. Thx for the plug in. Works like a charm
hi, andar here, i just read your post. i like very much. agree to you, sir.
Thanks Jason, I did discover that titles are still getting "wptexturized" so I added the following lines to "disable-wptexturize/disable-texturize.php":
remove_filter('the_title', 'wptexturize');
The wptexturize feature has been, in my opinion, the worst built-in feature in WordPress. How hard would it have been to put a simple option in the admin to turn it off.... Jeez. HTH.
Many thanks!
And thanks to Alan, too - I also added the title.
Help! how do I turn texturize off for custom fields? My blog depends on having certain urls in the custom fields and wp always ruins them by converting characters like parentheses into character entities (why the idiots at the destination website are using those characters in their urls is another story).
Thank you!
It does not seem to work with WordPress 2.7. Is an update in the works?
Thank you
What changes would be necessary to make it work only in RSS feeds?
I like the elegance of this solution, but the only place I need to implement it is in the RSS feed.
Hi Jason,
Thank you for this plugin. I don't care how "simple" it is. It works wonders!
Genius. That texturizer thingy was screwing up our ellipsis.
Thank you very much for this plugin. Great
This topic is quite hot in the net at the moment. What do you pay attention to while choosing what to write ?
anodized assume beginning counteracting entirely feebler Giuliano Hudson mice plumbs probation rules saddest salted Thornburg tired c99 shell achieves bares capaciousness coroutine degenerates impassive imperialism subsume .
Is anyone using this successfully under 2.7.1? I thought it would remove curly quotes when I pasted them from other sources but maybe I misunderstood what it's supposed to do.
"Is anyone using this successfully under 2.7.1? I thought it would remove curly quotes when I pasted them from other sources but maybe I misunderstood what it's supposed to do."
I am. This plugin has been rock solid throughout numerous WordPress upgrades.
If you cut & paste some text that has curly quotes in it, will the plugin convert them to normal quotes? That doesn't work for me.
"Disable wptexturize" plugin is very useful. It works well with wordpress 2.7 for me. Thank you Jason for sharing the plugin with us. Wish you all the best for your future work.
This plugin works great in WPMU 2.7.
As I mention above, the only place I really need it is in the RSS feeds. What would it take to enable disable wptexturize to only do its magic in RSS feeds?
Dude, making things a lot simpler is harder than making things complicated. I hope that make sense. That 3 lines of code is so easy to use and edit.
Thanks for this very small an useful plugin to WP 🙂
I just installed it on wp 2.8.4 and it is working great - thank you for this 🙂
That's nice!
I'm trying to make a further mod in wordpress, release admin to post comments with the same freedom we have in posts. Use any HTML we want, JavaScript, shortcodes and even PHP!
Wanna help me make it possible? 😀
I am using it with wordpress version 2.8.4 and it works just fine. Thanks. I have also used it with older versions and it worked perfectly. I havent tried it with newer versions though but I think i am going to wait a while before I do.
Great work. I noticed that the wptexturize filter is installed in some other places. I ended up with this:
remove_filter('the_title', 'wptexturize');
remove_filter('the_content', 'wptexturize');
remove_filter('the_excerpt', 'wptexturize');
remove_filter('comment_text', 'wptexturize');
remove_filter('list_cats', 'wptexturize');
remove_filter('single_post_title', 'wptexturize');
remove_filter('comment_author', 'wptexturize');
remove_filter('term_name', 'wptexturize');
remove_filter('link_name', 'wptexturize');
remove_filter('link_description', 'wptexturize');
remove_filter('link_notes', 'wptexturize');
remove_filter('bloginfo', 'wptexturize');
remove_filter('wp_title', 'wptexturize');
remove_filter('widget_title', 'wptexturize');
Thank you so much for this plugin, it as really helped me in terms of rendering code correctly so that when people copy and paste off of my site, it stays the same!
Actually, wptexturize have a LOT of crazy regex things, and more over, a simple lexal parser. It's doing a hell of a perf impact on the blog 🙂
These codes are very much manageable than the others (even for a newbie like me)..Thanks for sharing!
Nearly 4 years later & it's still good!